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Postcode Lookup

Postcodes within a radius
Lookup any Swedish postcode (e.g.: 115 25)


Postcodes in a Radius

Postcodes within a radius
All postcodes within a radius of a Swedish postcode (e.g.: 115 25)

Postcode Radius Unit

Postcode Distances

Postcodes within a radius
Distance between two Swedish postcodes (road and beeline)

Postcode 1 e.g. 115 25
Postcode 2 e.g. 139 01


Our products

Postcodes within a radius


Postcodes within a radius
"...Your post code database has enabled our Swedish website visitors to locate the nearest dealers and calculate the distance from one zip code to another. Thanks for your extensive support..." Lasse Holmberg, Stockholm, Sweden
"...We established a dealer locator using your Swedish zip code database and wow! Our customers are reaping out the full benefit of it. It all works great for our real estate website..." Richard Bergstrom, Malmö, Sweden
"...Your zip code radius tool made it possible for our potential lovers to find their perfect partner within the nearest location. The online chat support made it so easy to implement it to our dating site, and all thanks go to Peter for his patient support..." Lars Peterson, Göteborg, Sweden
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Postcode Database Sweden

Product details and Download

Postcode database Sweden
Sweden Postcode database

Single LicenseSingle License agreement

Buy now...   99 £ Free unlimited postcode updates included!

Enterprise LicenseEnterprise License agreement

Buy now...   199 £ Free unlimited postcode updates included!

Scandinavia Package

Iceland postcode database + Denmark postcode database + Sweden postcode database + Norway postcode database + Finland postcode database

Single LicenseSingle License agreement

Buy now...   199 £ Free unlimited postcode updates included!

Enterprise LicenseEnterprise License agreement

Buy now...   399 £ Free unlimited postcode updates included!

Postcode data does change from time to time.

Buy your postcode database at ZIPCodeSoft and we will keep your postcode data up-to-date. Just pay a one-off price! No further costs!
Unlimited in time. Unprecedented!

Database comes with free Radius finder / Distance scripts in PHP / ASP. (Live Demo located in left column)

Details (Data of: July 2024)

The Sweden postcode database contains all postcodes of Sweden plus town and regions plus latitude/longitude.

Database content


  Region (Län)21
  Unique Postcodes (Postnummer)17,379
  Geocoded locations100 %
  Number of records        17,582

Available formats:

  CSV Format  Comma Separated Values (CSV) ~300 KB ZIP-compressed
  MySQL Format  MySQL dump (SQL) ~300 KB ZIP-compressed
  SQL Server Format  MS SQL Server dump (SQL) ~300 KB ZIP-compressed
  Oracle Format  Oracle dump (SQL) ~300 KB ZIP-compressed
  Postgre Format  Postgre SQL Dump (SQL) ~300 KB ZIP-compressed
  Sybase Format  Sybase SQL Dump (SQL) ~300 KB ZIP-compressed
  Excel Format  Miscroft Excel (XLS) ~500 KB ZIP-compressed
  Access Format  Microsoft Access (MDB) ~300 KB ZIP-compressed

Easy to import into all major Database Systems.

Datatable structure

  latitudedecimal(13, 9)
  longitudedecimal(13, 9)


Having a database of localities with their latitudes and longitudes enables you to locate the closest cities to a set point (or within a radius of X).

To help you to successfully implement a postcode radius / distance search we offer free access to example codes in many scripting and programming languages like ASP, PHP, Coldfusion...

To achieve the highest accuracy the formulas in our example scripts take the earth's curvature into consideration.

Please check the top left column of this page to see examples of what our scripts are capable of.
There you can find examples of

All these scripts are available for our database customers for free download. (PHP / ASP)

More information about the programming...


Internet Download

Sample Data

SE;147 70;Grödinge;Stockholms län;59.17067026;17.78935057
SE;147 71;Grödinge;Stockholms län;59.17095533;17.80356524
SE;147 80;Tumba;Stockholms län;59.20304921;17.83676719
SE;147 82;Tumba;Stockholms län;59.20015841;17.83589624
SE;147 85;Tumba;Stockholms län;59.19941192;17.83567133
SE;147 91;Grödinge;Stockholms län;59.13149271;17.85129168
SE;147 92;Grödinge;Stockholms län;59.11636337;17.74853208
SE;148 00;Ösmo;Stockholms län;58.99325094;17.90300586
SE;148 02;Sorunda;Stockholms län;59.02058120;17.82841607
SE;148 20;Ösmo;Stockholms län;58.98497063;17.90070555
SE;148 21;Ösmo;Stockholms län;58.98503399;17.90072478
SE;148 22;Ösmo;Stockholms län;58.98523541;17.90078591
SE;148 25;Muskö;Stockholms län;59.00249523;18.13276272
SE;148 30;Ösmo;Stockholms län;58.99189876;17.90445924
SE;148 31;Ösmo;Stockholms län;58.97980366;17.90578901
SE;148 32;Ösmo;Stockholms län;58.98824900;17.89608306
SE;148 33;Ösmo;Stockholms län;58.98315589;17.88281154
SE;148 34;Ösmo;Stockholms län;58.98937025;17.88607987
SE;148 35;Ösmo;Stockholms län;58.99449199;17.88604313
SE;148 40;Segersäng;Stockholms län;59.04188572;17.93855909
SE;148 60;Stora Vika;Stockholms län;58.94827345;17.78387390
SE;148 70;Sorunda;Stockholms län;59.01005349;17.80847070
SE;148 71;Sorunda;Stockholms län;59.04909774;17.86746051
SE;148 80;Muskö;Stockholms län;59.00684222;18.13409864
SE;148 91;Ösmo;Stockholms län;58.99776203;17.95704763
SE;148 92;Ösmo;Stockholms län;58.95045276;17.83107038
SE;148 95;Muskö;Stockholms län;58.99801892;18.12023438
SE;148 96;Sorunda;Stockholms län;59.04544215;17.78852574
SE;148 97;Sorunda;Stockholms län;58.93677926;17.76035082

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