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Postcode Lookup

Postcodes within a radius
Lookup any Finnish postcode (e.g.: 20002)


Postcodes in a Radius

Postcodes within a radius
All postcodes within a radius of a Finnish postcode (e.g.: 20002)

Postcode Radius Unit

Postcode Distances

Postcodes within a radius
Distance between two Finnish postcodes (road and beeline)

Postcode 1 e.g. 20002
Postcode 2 e.g. 57100


Our products

Postcodes within a radius


Postcodes within a radius
"...We are a new real estate portal in Finland, and we are very pleased to have found your postcode radius tools. With all the help of your product, our customers now can easily find houses and apartments in their area, and we can see already a very positive response by our users. All credit goes to your effort and your great product. Thank you..." Mika Savonheimo, Helsinki, Finland
"...A big high-five for your great product, as it has enabled us to establish a successful friend finder service on our community site. We were being praised by many members of our dating community and we would like to thank you providing such a nice tool..." Keke Halkoaho, Tampere, Finland
"...With your great product, our search to get help in establishing an appropriate address finder has completed. By witnessing the benefits from using your product, I would like to recommend it to all other website owners who are in search of a Finnish postcode database..." Mauno Inberg, Espoo, Finland
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Postcode Database Finland

Product details and Download

Postcode database Finland
Finland Postcode database

Single LicenseSingle License agreement

Buy now...   99 £ Free unlimited postcode updates included!

Enterprise LicenseEnterprise License agreement

Buy now...   199 £ Free unlimited postcode updates included!

Scandinavia Package

Iceland postcode database + Denmark postcode database + Sweden postcode database + Norway postcode database + Finland postcode database

Single LicenseSingle License agreement

Buy now...   199 £ Free unlimited postcode updates included!

Enterprise LicenseEnterprise License agreement

Buy now...   399 £ Free unlimited postcode updates included!

Postcode data does change from time to time.

Buy your postcode database at ZIPCodeSoft and we will keep your postcode data up-to-date. Just pay a one-off price! No further costs!
Unlimited in time. Unprecedented!

Database comes with free Radius finder / Distance scripts in PHP / ASP. (Live Demo located in left column)

Details (Data of: October 2024)

The Finland postcode database contains all postcodes of Finland in Finnish and Swedish language (e.g. Helsinki = Helsingfors) plus town and regions plus latitude/longitude.

Database content


  Region1 (Lääni)6
  Region2 (Maakunta)20
  Region3 (Kunta)348
  Unique Postcodes (Postnumre)4,151
  Geocoded locations100 %
  Number of records        8,302 (In swedish and finnish language)

Available formats:

  CSV Format  Comma Separated Values (CSV) ~300 KB ZIP-compressed
  MySQL Format  MySQL dump (SQL) ~300 KB ZIP-compressed
  SQL Server Format  MS SQL Server dump (SQL) ~300 KB ZIP-compressed
  Oracle Format  Oracle dump (SQL) ~300 KB ZIP-compressed
  Postgre Format  Postgre SQL Dump (SQL) ~300 KB ZIP-compressed
  Sybase Format  Sybase SQL Dump (SQL) ~300 KB ZIP-compressed
  Excel Format  Miscroft Excel (XLS) ~500 KB ZIP-compressed
  Access Format  Microsoft Access (MDB) ~300 KB ZIP-compressed

Easy to import into all major Database Systems.

Datatable structure

  latitudedecimal(13, 9)
  longitudedecimal(13, 9)


Having a database of localities with their latitudes and longitudes enables you to locate the closest cities to a set point (or within a radius of X).

To help you to successfully implement a postcode radius / distance search we offer free access to example codes in many scripting and programming languages like ASP, PHP, Coldfusion...

To achieve the highest accuracy the formulas in our example scripts take the earth's curvature into consideration.

Please check the top left column of this page to see examples of what our scripts are capable of.
There you can find examples of

All these scripts are available for our database customers for free download. (PHP / ASP)

More information about the programming...


Internet Download

Sample Data

FI;FI;00990;Helsinki;Etelä-Suomen lääni;Uusimaa;Helsinki;60.20741775;25.18147160
FI;FI;01002;Vantaa;Etelä-Suomen lääni;Uusimaa;Vantaa;60.28775118;24.85525110
FI;FI;01003;Vantaa;Etelä-Suomen lääni;Uusimaa;Vantaa;60.30532049;24.85219260
FI;FI;01009;Vantaa;Etelä-Suomen lääni;Uusimaa;Vantaa;60.23734349;24.60839776
FI;FI;01019;Vantaa;Etelä-Suomen lääni;Uusimaa;Vantaa;60.28773888;24.85524603
FI;FI;01050;Turun Laskut;Länsi-Suomen lääni;Varsinais-Suomi;Turku;60.45272932;22.25126815
FI;FI;01051;Helsinki;Etelä-Suomen lääni;Uusimaa;Helsinki;60.45269275;22.25125469
FI;FI;01053;Vantaa;Etelä-Suomen lääni;Uusimaa;Vantaa;60.28771410;24.85523581
FI;FI;01055;Helsinki;Etelä-Suomen lääni;Uusimaa;Helsinki;60.20741498;25.18147045
FI;FI;01120;Västerskog;Etelä-Suomen lääni;Itä-Uusimaa;Sipoo;60.27012882;25.28528467
FI;FI;01121;Västerskog;Etelä-Suomen lääni;Itä-Uusimaa;Sipoo;60.27624791;25.29862697
FI;FI;01150;Söderkulla;Etelä-Suomen lääni;Itä-Uusimaa;Sipoo;60.30069152;25.32592904
FI;FI;01151;Söderkulla;Etelä-Suomen lääni;Itä-Uusimaa;Sipoo;60.30072131;25.32594155
FI;FI;01180;Kalkkiranta;Etelä-Suomen lääni;Itä-Uusimaa;Sipoo;60.21287836;25.41419197
FI;FI;01190;Box;Etelä-Suomen lääni;Itä-Uusimaa;Sipoo;60.30388792;25.39809175
FI;FI;01200;Vantaa;Etelä-Suomen lääni;Uusimaa;Vantaa;60.28842771;25.14251321
FI;FI;01201;Vantaa;Etelä-Suomen lääni;Uusimaa;Vantaa;60.28772122;24.85523874
FI;FI;01230;Vantaa;Etelä-Suomen lääni;Uusimaa;Vantaa;60.26402591;25.10497496
FI;FI;01231;Vantaa;Etelä-Suomen lääni;Uusimaa;Vantaa;60.30872605;24.85359605
FI;FI;01260;Vantaa;Etelä-Suomen lääni;Uusimaa;Vantaa;60.30420620;25.12730341
FI;FI;01261;Vantaa;Etelä-Suomen lääni;Uusimaa;Vantaa;60.28772779;24.85524145
FI;FI;01280;Vantaa;Etelä-Suomen lääni;Uusimaa;Vantaa;60.24724072;25.11497447

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