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Postcode Lookup

Postcodes within a radius
Lookup any Greek postcode (e.g.: 104 34)


Postcodes in a Radius

Postcodes within a radius
All postcodes within a radius of a Greek postcode (e.g.: 104 34)

Postcode Radius Unit

Postcode Distances

Postcodes within a radius
Distance between two Greek postcodes (road and beeline)

Postcode 1 e.g. 104 34
Postcode 2 e.g. 190 07


Our products

Postcodes within a radius


Postcodes within a radius
"...Thanks for your efforts in providing this post code database of Greece. We can now let our customers find our retailers by a postcodes radius search, city, regions or any other searching component. Thanks a lot for your smart and clever tool..." Giorgos Papadopoulos, Athens, Greece
"...With this multilingual database, both our local and foreign tourists are able to find their holiday homes in their desired area with ease. What a wonderful feature you have given us with this tool. We thank from our heart for such an effort..." Panos Papazoglakis, Piraeus, Greece
"...It was a great privilege for us to get the chance to use your product and include it into our dating site. It is nice to have all the city names both in Greek and in English language to serve also foreign members of our dating community in finding their partners in the nearest location. We thank a lot for your support..." Nikolaos Ioannou, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Postcode Database Greece

Product details and Download

Postcode database Greece

Single LicenseSingle License agreement

Buy now...   99 £ Free unlimited postcode updates included!

Enterprise LicenseEnterprise License agreement

Buy now...   199 £ Free unlimited postcode updates included!

Postcode data does change from time to time.

Buy your postcode database at ZIPCodeSoft and we will keep your postcode data up-to-date. Just pay a one-off price! No further costs!
Unlimited in time. Unprecedented!

Database comes with free Radius finder / Distance scripts in PHP / ASP. (Live Demo located in left column)

Details (Data of: July 2024)

The Greece postcode database contains all Greek postcodes plus city and regions plus latitude/longitude. All database entries are both in Greek and in English transliteration.

Database content

  Regions13 / 54
  Unique Postcodes1,096
  Geocoded locations100 %
  Number of records        2,276 (For both languages, greek and english)

Available formats:

  CSV Format  Comma Separated Values (CSV) ~200 KB ZIP-compressed
  MySQL Format  MySQL dump (SQL) ~200 KB ZIP-compressed
  SQL Server Format  MS SQL Server dump (SQL) ~200 KB ZIP-compressed
  Oracle Format  Oracle dump (SQL) ~200 KB ZIP-compressed
  Postgre Format  Postgre SQL Dump (SQL) ~200 KB ZIP-compressed
  Sybase Format  Sybase SQL Dump (SQL) ~200 KB ZIP-compressed
  Excel Format  Miscroft Excel (XLS) ~500 KB ZIP-compressed
  Access Format  Microsoft Access (MDB) ~500 KB ZIP-compressed

Easy to import into all major Database Systems.

Datatable structure

  latitudedecimal(13, 9)
  longitudedecimal(13, 9)


Having a database of localities with their latitudes and longitudes enables you to locate the closest cities to a set point (or within a radius of X).

To help you to successfully implement a postcode radius / distance search we offer free access to example codes in many scripting and programming languages like ASP, PHP, Coldfusion...

To achieve the highest accuracy the formulas in our example scripts take the earth's curvature into consideration.

Please check the top left column of this page to see examples of what our scripts are capable of.
There you can find examples of

All these scripts are available for our database customers for free download. (PHP / ASP)

More information about the programming...


Internet Download

Sample Data

GR;EN;117 41;Athens;Attica;Athens;37.96365564;23.71940977
GR;EN;117 42;Athens;Attica;Athens;37.96784558;23.72609348
GR;EN;117 43;Athens;Attica;Athens;37.96220182;23.72907113
GR;EN;117 44;Athens;Attica;Athens;37.95535763;23.72610727
GR;EN;117 45;Athens;Attica;Athens;37.95409201;23.72014125
GR;EN;118 51;Athens;Attica;Athens;37.97226935;23.71718833
GR;EN;118 52;Athens;Attica;Athens;37.96681274;23.71048420
GR;EN;118 53;Athens;Attica;Athens;37.96729919;23.70528822
GR;EN;118 54;Athens;Attica;Athens;37.97680421;23.71047263
GR;EN;118 55;Athens;Attica;Athens;37.98200320;23.70081448
GR;EN;121 31;Peristeri;Attica;Athens;38.00329450;23.69487151
GR;EN;121 32;Peristeri;Attica;Athens;38.00983455;23.70529154
GR;EN;121 33;Peristeri;Attica;Athens;38.01416334;23.70824208
GR;EN;121 34;Peristeri;Attica;Athens;38.01483919;23.69337573
GR;EN;121 35;Peristeri;Attica;Athens;38.02082824;23.68296759
GR;EN;121 36;Peristeri;Attica;Athens;38.01080923;23.68295575
GR;EN;121 37;Peristeri;Attica;Athens;38.02613243;23.67551151
GR;EN;122 41;Egaleo;Attica;Athens;37.99040140;23.68349087
GR;EN;122 42;Egaleo;Attica;Athens;37.99041758;23.68350096
GR;EN;122 43;Egaleo;Attica;Athens;37.99043441;23.68351145
GR;EN;122 44;Egaleo;Attica;Athens;37.99042815;23.68350754
GR;EN;123 51;Agia Varvara;Attica;Athens;37.99085603;23.65915998
GR;EN;124 61;Chaidari;Attica;Athens;38.00677543;23.65630960
GR;EN;124 62;Chaidari;Attica;Athens;38.00676680;23.65630423
GR;EN;131 21;Ilio;Attica;Athens;38.03703507;23.70082185
GR;EN;131 22;Ilio;Attica;Athens;38.03702346;23.70081462
GR;EN;131 23;Ilio;Attica;Athens;38.03702179;23.70081358
GR;EN;132 31;Petroupoli;Attica;Athens;38.03896160;23.68796722
GR;EN;133 41;Ano Liosia;Attica;West Attica;38.08073562;23.70677595
GR;EN;133 42;Ano Liosia;Attica;West Attica;38.07335129;23.67106945
GR;EN;133 43;Ano Liosia;Attica;West Attica;38.11509623;23.69784009
GR;EN;133 44;Ano Liosia;Attica;West Attica;38.06828470;23.69486537
GR;EN;133 45;Ano Liosia;Attica;West Attica;38.06829624;23.69487255
GR;EN;134 51;Kamatero;Attica;Athens;38.05648762;23.70107097
GR;EN;135 61;Agioi Anargyroi;Attica;Athens;38.02831167;23.72186104
GR;EN;135 62;Agioi Anargyroi;Attica;Athens;38.02831121;23.72186075

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